Details for this torrent 

Samurai Champloo - English - 01-26 - Noi3e
Video > TV shows
6.84 GB

Spoken language(s):
+53 / -2 (+51)

Jun 14, 2008


Fuu, a waitress who works in a teahouse, rescues two master swordsmen, Mugen and Jin, from their execution to help her find the "samurai who smells of sunflowers."


Seed please?
I'm at 98.7%... Please!!! Seed!!!!!
some one please seed! When I'm done, I'll seed this show until my computer takes a crap! SEED!!!! PLEASE!!!!!
Immense Thanks to Noi3e, this torrent has all 26 episodes of Samurai Champloo, its in English and in high quality Avi. Format, I?ll be seeding this until next year! We need to bring this torrent back to life!
I stopped seeding because the end of episode 21 was corrupted in mine and I didn't want to spread it. But thanks for this anyway - pretty good quality, it does the art in this show justice.
Hey... im not entirely sure why the end of E21 is corrupted but if u use vlc & fix the whole episode will play perfectly, hope this helps!

Thanx & please keep seeding!

Great torrent will seed for ages. This isn't censored or anything is it? I'm hoping I'm not disappointed as I watch :) THANKS SO FAR SO GOOD NOI3E IS THE SHIT
Well cheerz serotoninjunkie... no its not censored or nethin...

apparently sum superdouche had a problem with episode 21 or sum crap but there shouldnt b any problems at all... i chkd my files n there perfect so if there is a problem jus delete n download tht specific episode again...

neway thanx fa the seedz keep it up ppl ;)

NOi3e's torrent suck asss!

His torrents all suck, you faggot!!!

Dont download his torrents, they are mostly corrupted and dont work properly, dumbass!
Awsome Chukthefuk, how constuktive ov ya... u fukin jizzguzzlinbabyraper...

i hate stingy fukin moanerz like urself, go clog up sum other jizzguzzlinbabyraperz page with ur viral spunk u fukin turdburglingcumsweaper...

neway thanx fa tha commetz and the extra seederz staying online fa the lazt few monthz...

peace ;)
Give this torrent life!!!

Hey Noi3e or whatever the fuck your name is you prick!

Go pull your lip over your faggity ass head and swallow!

Your Torrents are terrible! Half of your collection are corrupted files and wont even play!

Ooh im so scared i promise ill neva give u shit again... fukin idiot lol...

piss ofufuh u stupid flickspack...

stop abusing this site...

i hate tht u downloaded 7gigz ov my torrentz n thn gave me shit bout it...?

ppl like u get banned all the time...

u kno wat, i cant b bothered...

jus go away flickspack!
Thanx fa keepin thiz torrent alive ppl ;)

thiz will b my only seeded torrent for a while... im pullin everything off n usin my confirmed account from now on due to abusive penis envy...

thanx again n peace
files r not corrupt chukthefuk jus has penis envy... ;)

neway keep seedin ppl...

ps: i watched this whole series again recently, i dnt think it'll ever get borin?

episode 21 actually is cut off at 18 minutes guy

don't defend yourself so vigorously, check your shit and give the guy a break
oh and vlc doesn't help at all
Why u all complainin u fukin flickspackz?? wat happened t "thnx n A/V commentz?"

if there iz a genuine problem with E21 (which there iz not this end, az E21 has been chkd) iv had no constructive communication confirming an error in months... just moaning, bitching n general crap... well im done here neway, this site has way too many kidz talkin shit on it... sad really i quite like TPB jus way too many teenybopperz talkin crap now n absolutely no way t delete ppls commentz or block thm from accessin ur torrentz list... nm huh

i wont b seedin this fa much longer, maybe anotha month or summat, so if u wannit, get it now...

Happy New Year True Pirates...

Seedings goin well i see... thnx


Excellent post my friend, the best one ive seen...Just wish more seeders :(

But i have successfully downloaded it anyway an i'm impressed. Dont kno why people are sayin its corrupted, all files are coming up in perfect condition for me.

What a super douche bag...

Did you have a fucked up New year's Noise?
Because I shit in your Santa sock!(LOL)

Oh yeah and that brick I wrapped in a black sock covered in pee, thats supposed to go up your ass..

So pathetic...(LOL)
Shame on chukthefuk for persisting to taint my torrent...

i only hav 1 up atm and u still feel penis envy??? tut tut... go play sum nes games u stupid likkle fuktard...
az i said ppl like u should b banned...

cheerz for tha seederz ;)

so happy =))))))))))))))english subs right?
i downloaded samurai champloo from another guy only it was in japenese with english subtitles so i went back here looking for another torrent in english but as i can see i got here too late the torrent i downloaded had 100 seeders and still took me 3 days just to download so this one has 7 seeders and is larger it would probably take me a month to download this so i guess i'll just stick with the one i have i don't feel like waiting for a torrent to download again

the reason i'm posting this comment even when i didn't download the torrent is because you bitches complaining about the torrent are assholes you should be thanking this guy for giving you this FOR FREE even if 1-25 were corrupted but you're complaining about one fucking episode ONE not even one because you could still watch 18 minutes of episode 21 and if you feel so bad about him maybe messing up on ONE tiny episode why don't you stop complaining about him giving you FREE SHIT and buy the FUCKING DVD because you little shits cant be thankful for people wanting to give you free shit out of the kindness of their hearts just because they're trying to help you out if you cant buy it you should all be THANKING noi3e for giving you all the other episodes perfect but instead of thanking him for what he DID give you you're bitching over one fucking episode since you all wont thank him i'll do it for you THANK YOU NOI3E FOR GIVING US THIS STUFF FOR FREE AND EVEN IF ALL THE EPISODES WERE CURROPTED WE SHOULD STILL THANK YOU ANYWAY BECAUSE YOU'RE HELPING US OUT BY GIVING US THIS FOR FREE

noi3e if you don't wont to deal with all these bitches email me @
so i can invite you to demonoid where everyone HAS to seed and not complain about free stuff or they lose thier account
Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE should be giving this guy nothing but props for uploading high quality Champloo to you. This was a free download and it was the best that I've seen in a while. Noi3e, you are the pirate king! And the people having problems with 21, I'll be uploading ep. 21 shortly, so quit cryin.

1. did u kno tht ur name iz the name ov a real life frickin legendary badass?

2. cheerz for ur comment n yes i totally agree...

3. i e-mailed ya...

ps. im so pissed bout TPB dude!!!

Peace ;)
Also had probs with the end of episode 21, wtf!

I wanna know how it ends. What a crucial episode!
Not complaining, just WTF!
Its really a shame to see how people cant be thankful for free things. You dont know what ya got till its gone.
i think ChuckemuHaven needs to get a life some trolls dont know when to quit

but i did have one problem with this torrent for me it has about 2 sec.s of audio lagg and its in every episode but i havnt read any other comments saying this, so i think it might just be me i have only tried playing them in Divx and i havnt changed any settings or any thing so if any one knows what im doing wrong please tell me

otherwise they look and sound great didnt have any problems with the download or files
Well shit... Fill my face wiv battery acid :\

Az if my favourite torrent in the world iz still alive n kickin lol?

To all you guyz n gurlz out there still seeding i bow to you... you are the light of TPB!!!

Thankz to every single one ov u still seedin this all this time, like umm over 2yrs lol yesss!

Awsome ppl keep it up ;)

Awesome quality. Props to the uploader. Please stop bitchin' about something you get for free. Hell, I consider myself lucky to have found it at all.
First off, so it doesn't seem like I'm complaining, I just wanna say Noi3e thank you very much for what you've provided us. This anime is incredible. One, if not, my favorite, and I greatly appreciate you uploading this. That being said, does anyone know where I can download just the 21st episode?

Again Noi3e, Thanks for the awesome torrent :D
created an account just to say thanks to Noi3e for the upload. Will be seeding until this hard drive crashes. To everyone complaining about seeding, i suggest you guys invest in fiber optic connection, im getting a good 2-5 mb per second download with 24 seeds, even if the seeders dropped to 1, id still be getting maybe about 800kb-1.5mb per second. Paying a little more a month for faster internet connection is worth it, at least for me it is. Just my opinion. Figure i mentioned since some guy talking about 100 seeds and still took 3 days to download. Thats ridiculous. I remember when it used to take 4-5 days to download a movie with dial up, now it takes me a good 3-5 minutes. technology has came a long way.
nevermind, i just realized all those complaining posts were from like 2009, completely understand. haha sorry for the not needed rant. Thanks again.
This is my first time watching this show. It was recomended to me by a friend. Is this the only season off this show or is there more? Thanks. Fast download too!! Great job Noi3e!

When free content is given to people, a certain standard is made. There are people who are capable of giving 26 completely uncorrupted episodes. Therefore it is not unrealistic that someone do the same. People may be a tad spoiled. But you should know that this is a community with certain demands, just as the community based on payed DVD's.
Cheers appreciate it